When a man finds himself in the Dick Not Hard. DNH that’s when it gets worse for most part. Instead of turning Any situation into a positive situation. Yes we are capable of this but most men can’t in this moment of their life. Cause the DNH is happening. The questions start coming. Why is this happening to me. I’m hot as fuck. Dying to fuck this girl. Can’t wait to feel her pussy. But yet my Dick is dead. I mean dead Dead Dead. She’s going to think i don’t like her or something wrong with me I know if she keeps playing with my dick for sure it will get hard. No doubt. Stroke it. Suck it anything. But no. Is not working. What the fuck This is where you stop. Take a breath and start thinking with your human brain. Your dick obviously needs help First put your place in that girl. What do you really think she is thinking while this is happening. Women we never know what their thinking. Imagine in this critical situation. Yes they are also feeling this awkward situation and their brain is also asking a thousand questions. Did you ever stop to think what she is thinking and ask her. And then you use Abracadabra, the magic words. Forget your dick right now. Yes forget it. Tell her u want to whisper something in her ear Get closer. Blow softly in her ears. Lick her ear softly. Blowing on it. U know soft n sexual. N whisper. Don’t worry about me baby right now. We have time. At the same time lick your finger. With plenty saliva. And. Caress her most precious thing. The clit. Ask softly how she likes it. Soft. Hard. Fast. If you would set a timer. After 5-10 minutes of this game. You will not have DDS anymore. If still happening keep playing with the girl if you really want her. That’s the main reason you probably suffering from DDS????????????????
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